Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Best excuse I can think of...

I have been the WORST blogger EVER! We have done SO many fun things this summer and I have nothing to show for it (On the Blog at least). I have been horrible at taking pictures and telling the blogging world about our fun adventures. So let me appoligize! I am sorry for being such a bad blogger! My excuse? I'M PREGNANT!!!!!!!! We're expecting our first baby on February 23rd! We are So excited!!! I am 10 weeks along and so far feeling VERY tired and naseaus. The Doc says that will hopefully go away soon and I will be feeling good again in no time! Crossing our fingers! So, I come home from work everyday and pretty much crash! No energy to blog! Sorry! I'll be better I promise...maybe in a couple weeks! Anyway, that's our life right now and we couldn't be more happy!


Cassy said...

Congratulations!! That is so exciting!

Abbie said...

Congratulations!!!!!! YAY!! I am so happy for you!


OH my gosh Steph! Ok- when I read the title of the blog I thought "I bet she's pregnant!" and I didn't even read the post- I just scanned to look for the word "pregnant!" and then I screamed to mike "STEPHANIE'S PREGNANT!" and then ofcourse I read the blog- I am so happy for you! I'm so excited! I can't beleive you are having a baby before me! But I'm really happy for you! I hope the nausesness goes away. I'm sorry you feel crummy. I forgive you for not blogging- but you better blog when you have your baby! love you!

Jess@craftiness is not optional said...

yeah I usually felt better at around 11 weeks with both kiddos, hope that happens for you too! We're so excited for a little niece or nephew!!

Danielle said...

Steph- that is amazing! The last post I actually thought- she's pregnant. When I read the title "a little late"...and there was no announcement. And then I thought so with this title too. I guess I just had a feeling! That is sooooo exciting! I'm way happy for you guys:)

The Lowarys said...

Congrats- that's SO AWESOME!!!

Brie said...

Congratulations! =)

Courtenay Beth said...

AAAHHHH, I am SO excited to not have tio keep it a secret anymore! I am SO excited for you guys! You and Jarom will be the BEST parents! I am beyond anxious to find out the sex of the baby, and I am so happy your baby and mine will be within less than a year of eachother, just like we always dreamed!!! I love you so much, and I am SO excited for you you!

Anne and Logan said...

ahh.... So jealous. But also so excited for you! Hope you get feeling better. Congrats!!!

Lanette said...

Ahhh! Congratulations! What exciting, happy news! You'll be such an awesome mom! So excited for you!!! I hope you feel better soon

Jenni said...

OH man I'm so glad this is out to the world! It is the best news ever and i cant even wait!!!!!!

Chad and Jessica said...

Yahoo! That is awesome news. Congrats, congrats, congrats! How exciting! I hope the nausea doesn't last too long...and I totally understand the tired thing.

Mrs. Laura Kay Pettit said...

Congratulations! You and Jarom will be awesome parents. I sort of hope it is a boy so he can be pals with Everett....although a girl would be adorable too! Looking forward to seeing you both at Joanna's wedding festivities. Hope you feel well enough to have some fun! You and Jarom are welcome to stay with us if you want to.
See you soon!

P.S. Be ready to blog a lot when the baby comes!

Josh and Lauren said...

I just REALLY love this news!!!!! WOO HOOO!!!!!!!!

Carol and Bruce said...

Take care Steph, rest up, you have a good reason, it's just so exciting. I'm so happy for you both!