Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Monday, December 20, 2010

It's the most Wonderful time of the Year!

We have thoroughly enjoyed our Holiday season! It has been PACKED with fun Christmassy (is that a word?) things! We kicked off our Holidays with going to California for Thanksgiving with Court, John and Everett! We had a blast! Family, Food and Fun! I haven't been very good at taking pictures so the only ones I have of that trip are of picking out the Christmas Tree. We had so much fun though and loved seeing everyone! We look forward to our next visit! Thank you Lances for letting us join your LARGE Thanksgiving party!
Jarom and Cute baby Charlotte!
Me and Jessica hangin out at the tree farm
Jarom and Sadie!

Playing in the pretty SNOW! We haven't gotten very much snow this year but when we did get it, we played in it! I had so much fun!

We decorated our pretty tree! We love all the festive decorations and the pretty lights! I love watching all the corny Hallmark movies and listening to Christmas music ALL. THE. TIME!

We got together with some friends for a White Elephant party, Dinner and games! We love them and spending time with them!

We went to Ben's last weekend for Mini Christmas. There is a video on Facebook of our weekend put to a song that we sang and recorded. Pretty special! :) Sadly, I don't have any pictures of this weekend! Lame, I know! But, We had so much fun! Thanks Ben, Kris, Court, John, Jill and Randy for such a fun weekend! We love you guys!

I made this SUPER cute Advent Calendar for Jenni and Michael (I made one for myself too. hee hee) for Christmas! It took A LOT of time but it was so much fun and so worth it! Jarom even helped me! He's so crafty! I was so grateful for the help, too! I am so happy with the way it turned out and Jenni and Michael's reaction was priceless! I'm so glad they like it! :) I also made Jenni a "Friday Night Lights" shirt that says "clear eyes, fully hearts, can't lose!" on the front and a Panther "P" on the back with the #33 (for Tim Riggins, if you don't watch the show) I had so much fun and was SO excited about the idea! We LOOOOOVE that show! If you haven't watched it, I strongly suggest you start! Here we are after our Gift Exchange! We usually do this on Christmas Eve but we are leaving to OREGON on Wednesday so we had to do it early. Jenni got me a BEAUTIFUL scarf Made by Danielle! I LOVE it SO much!!! I am wearing it in the picture but it doesn't give it justice to how pretty it is! A gift card for a yummmmy Restaurant and they got Jarom "Date Night". They spoiled us for sure! We love them and are so grateful for them in our lives! It's been a lot of fun living next to them! We ended the night with watching Christmas Vacation! Classic! These aren't the Greatest pictures, but you get the Idea.

I'm sad this picture turned out so blurry! I don't know why that happened!

I'm sure I am missing some fun adventure but it's late and these are all the pictures I have. Maybe I'll post that video of Mini Christmas if I can figure out how to get it from Facebook to my Blog. We have one more day of work tomorrow and we're off to Oregon for Christmas! We're so excited!! Hope you all have a fun and safe Christmas!!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Hospital and feelings

I feel pretty brave for posting these pictures, as they are NOT the most glamorous pictures I've ever taken. I was just going through some pictures and came across them and decided to share. Though our experience at the hospital was hard and sad, I don't want to forget the feelings I felt there and just seeing these pictures made all those feelings come back.

I remember feeling so scared and nervous. So nervous that I couldn't stop shaking. I knew that everything I was doing was for my baby girls and so I tried to be so brave. I felt so lonely and ready for it all to be over.
When they told me that Jarom could not come with me into the OR I was terrified!
Everything hurt!
The IV was horrible, getting my blood taken all the time was so annoying, the catheter was awful, the food was gross, they gave me a local anesthetic for the surgery and it barely worked! I could feel EVERYTHING! OUCH!
I missed Jarom and my Mommy!
So many things were running through my head but mostly I just wanted my Babies to be safe!
I loved my Doctor and Nurses! They were so comforting and nice!
The visitors were awesome! Courtenay and Everett came and spent all day with us and Jenni and Michael and Joanna and Cody and Eliza came after work each time we went in! I felt so loved and they made me so happy!

When we went in to deliver the babies I just wanted everything to be over! I was so scared and tired. I had feelings like "Did I kill my babies?" and "what if the surgeries I had actually made things worse?" and so much more! I think I went through all the "What If's" you could think of! I know now that those were not realistic and that it's natural to have those kind of feelings, but then it felt so logical and real. All in all our visits were scary but good. These pictures make me giggle a little bit because of how embarrassingly silly I looked! take a look for yourself, I think you'll agree!

These were taken after the surgery and we knew that we still had both of our babies so I looked a lot better than I did after the delivery, if you can believe that! We didn't take any pictures of that visit.

I was able to get up and walk to the bathroom. It felt good to be up. Jarom giggled every time I would get up because of the special diaper I got to wear. hee hee

This was before surgery. I was trying not to think about how scared I was!
So, there's the glamour shots. I'm so glad to look back at these as a memory now.
We had a great Thanksgiving vacation in California with Jarom's family. I will post about that later. We're loving the snow and getting ready for Christmas! It's the most wonderful time of the year! Just what we need! I hope you all had a wonderful Holiday!


Well that wasn't hard at all! THANK YOU James Lance for helping me get rid of that!! haha easy fix that's for sure! I feel stupid because of how easy it was but I am SO glad to have it gone!! Thanks for your help!!!


I can't seem to figure out how to make that stupid sign from Photobucket go away! I have tried everything! changing my background, changing my title picture! UGH! It's driving me crazy! I can't get a new background until that sign is gone and i'm really sorry that you have been having to read over it for the past ummm.....5 months or something! Jarom can't even figure out how to get it off! Has anyone else had this problem? I am so close to just making a new blog because I can't get it to go away! HELP!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Gone to Heaven

We are writing this for our records and for others to read if they want to. Be warned, this post is long and has a lot of details. We do have some pictures at the end.

On October 12th we had our check up appointment to see how our surviving baby was doing. Steph was really nervous to go because she was worried about getting bad news from the doctors. We were really glad we were able to meet with Dr. Belfort for our check up as he was the doctor who had done the surgeries and been with us through everything. He did an ultrasound and was very enthusiastic. He told us that he was very excited with the improvements that he saw. The amniotic fluid measured was where it should be. The week before at the largest point in the membrane it was 12 cm and that day it was at 6 cm. He was also happy with the strength of the babies heartbeat and bladder size.

After his inspection we talked about what we needed to do to help take this surviving baby to full term. We were going to have to do weekly, probably even twice a week, check up ultrasounds. The biggest change we faced was that Steph was put on bed rest. It was not strict stay on your bed bed rest, but Steph shouldn't do anything strenuous like house chores or walking further than the bathroom or kitchen. So I, the mighty husband Jarom, stepped up to my new duties with loving tenderness for my wife and baby! It really was a lot to be faced with since steph still had about 4 months left in the pregnancy! We were happy that our baby was doing well but stressed at the same time with steph not being able to do anything! On our way home we updated everyone on the situation and went on with our day, steph at home and me at work!

October 13th came and it seemed to be as normal a day as any day could be in this situation. But at ten in the morning steph started having regular contractions 3-7 min apart and she was worried because the docs said to tell them if that happened. So an hour later she texted me to tell me what was happening and I told her to call our doc. When she called Dr. Belfort he asked some questions and he told her that she better go up to the hospital right away. Sounds scary and intimidating right? well it was very much so! Steph called me and I dropped everything at work to take her to the hospital. That was the fastest I've ever packed clothes and stuff we needed! Since our doctor was in Idaho we met with one of his partners who also specializes in twin to twin. He did an ultrasound and found that the cerclauge keeping Steph's cervix closed was in fact not keeping it closed! He called what was happening a funnel. Meaning that the membrane with our baby in it was starting to squeeze its way past the cerclauge. The ultrasound image looked like an hour glass with the cerclauge being the skinny part. The Doctor told us that this was a very dangerous situation. He explained to us that nature is smarter than doctors and that nature was trying to take its course. What he thought was happening was that there was an infection in the uterus and the antibiotics Steph had been taking were slowing but not stopping it. Nature was trying to get rid of the infection, and by so doing was trying to deliver the babies. At this point the most important thing was to make sure that steph would survive this with the ability to still have children. The risk was that Steph's cervix was playing tug of war with the cerclauge which could potentially tear and permanently damage it. That would inhibit her every having children in the future. In light of this news, the doctor strongly recommended that we remove the cerclauge and deliver the babies. The bottom line was that our baby would not make it and that we needed to make sure that steph would be OK. While we were deciding whether to deliver there at St. Marks, or at the Timpanogos hospital (for insurance purposes) steph's water broke! When people say its messy, they really understate it! it was all over the place! Steph was out of control! We had to get her undressed and into a gown to take her down to a delivery room. I'll just say that everything was soaked (including the carpet) and I won't ever forget how up close and personal I had to get to help steph with this, and I hope she doesn't forget that either! So into the delivery room we went and there we waited for someone to show up and tell us what was going on. Later the delivery doctor came in, introduced himself as Dr. Yamashiro and explained the procedures we would go through. What he would do was remove the cercluage and then give steph some medicine to speed up the labor. Taking the cerclauge out took the longest scissors I've ever seen and looked really painful. To dull the pain steph got some pain medicine that made her pretty loopy and all she could say was how much she wanted Dr. Pepper! With the Cerclauge removed and labor sped up we started our wait for Steph to be dilated to around 5 cm to deliver our babies. When our nurses shift ended we were relieved and surprised to see that our new nurse was the same nurse that had checked us in when Steph had the surgeries! A couple of hours later Steph got a fever that got to 104 degrees! This really worried everyone because this could lead to steph having seizures and brain damage! To cool her down we had to put ice packs all over steph's body. As the hours passed Steph's contractions got more intense and more frequent to the point where steph was feeling a lot of pressure. We called in the nurse and she told Steph that she could start pushing!

Finally, at 11:03 pm Evelynn ( our "surviving" baby) was born at 21 weeks with no heart beat. She was breach and was very painful for steph to deliver! At 11:10 pm Annabell was born still in her amniotic sac. Dr. Yamashiro came in and took over the delivery. He explained that it was fortunate that Annabell was still in the sac because it meant that the placenta had detached from the uterus wall and could be delivered with no complications. This would save steph from needing to get a D and C. Needless to say steph was relieved to hear this and completely exhausted becuase she had done everything without an epidural. Delivering the placenta went as smooth as the doctor predicted. During this the nurses had cleaned the babies and wrapped them in little blankets. They gave us our babies to hold and some time alone with them. Holding our babies, though they were gone, really brought us closer to them. We cried and told them how much we loved them. We are so grateful that we were able to hold them and see them for the beautiful babies they were. What we felt at that time is very difficult to explain. We felt deep sadness for the loss and a great sense of disappointment for not being able to keep our babies to raise in our family. At the same time we kept telling each other that they will always be our baby girls and that we would see them again in Heaven. After a short time we kissed them and said our goodbyes. The nurses took them away and made us a memory box for each baby that contained impressions of their hands and feet, an outfit that they wore for pictures taken of them, a stuffed animal, a hand crocheted blanket and a certificate of remembrance that had their hand prints and footprints. We are so grateful they did the memory boxes for us, now we can have something that we can hold and look at to remember our baby girls. We will always love and miss them and they are never far from our thoughts and hearts.



For the rest of the hospital stay and since, Steph has been recovering physically and emotionally. We are blessed with Stephanie's health and look forward to when we can have more children and bring them home with us.

Friday, October 8, 2010

What was two is now one.

As of early this morning, we have lost one of the babies growing in Stephanie. The last week an a half has been a roller coaster of emotions and physical edurance. A lot has happened and so I'm going to lay it out as it happened. Starting with the friday that we found out we were having twin girls, this was the appointment we were so built up for and were so excited to find out our babies gender! The technician found one definate girl and one most likely girl ( becuase her legs were closed)!! We were pumped and I was pretty excited about living in the middle of an estrogen ocean ;) What the technician also found was that she couldn't detirmine if there was a membrane seperating the fetuses. She must have had some other concerns that she didn't tell us becuase she set us up with an appointment with a specialist in parinatology for the following wednesday. That night we had a "gender party" and revealed the news that we were having girls by dyeing cupcakes pink ( to represent girls) and covering them in frosting so that those in attendence would discover the gender when they took a bite out of their cupcake! Also those who were there wore the colors, i.e. blue or pink, to show their vote for what that they thought our babies would be. We had people in attendence and people on conference calls! Everyone was so excited when they found pink inside their cupcakes!! Ok so we move on to wednesday. We left our jobs early and went to see this specialist, and waited for an hour after our appointment to see him. When we did see him and he did his ultrasound of Steph he told us some sombering news. Our babies had a condition called twin to twin transfusion syndrome (ttts). He took us to a different room and explained more clearly what we were facing. For us this TTTS was a condition where the splitting of the fertilized egg into twins took place about three days after fertilization and the twins were sharing blood vessels through, and in addition to sharing one placenta. It also means that one baby (called the donor) is dehydrated and has little or no amniotic fluid and the other baby (called the recipient) has far to much amniotic fluid. This causes the donor to be "shrink wrapped" by its membrane against the uterus wall by the pressure of the recipients amniotic fluid, preventing the donor from recieving the nutrients it needs. Only about 10%-15% of identical twins have this condition, making it very rare. The doctor told us that this was very serious and was endangering the lives of our babies! He also told us that we needed to go striaght from him to St Marks hospital in Salt Lake to get further evaluation from one of his partners. We went home to change, say a prayer and have our neighbor Michael help me give Stephanie a blessing and then we were off to the hospital. On our way we called our family and friends amidts our tears and weighty concern. We got to St Marks at about seven and met with Doctor Belfort who is one of about twenty doctors in the country who deal with this condition. Right away we were in way over our heads and terrified to boot! As soon as we walked in they were changing Steph into a gown plugging her into an IV and the doctor was doing his examination. He was able to find that our babies were in the later end of stage 1, almost into stage 2 of the 5 stages of TTTS. He also found that steph was having contractions every 1 to 2 mins and was dilated 3 cm!!! In order to prevent Steph from going in to pre-term labor the only thing to be done was a cervical cerclage, basically stitching her cervix closed, and taking medicine to stop the contractions. Our Doctor gave us two options to choose from that might fix the TTTS, and we had to choose what to do almost instantly. One was called Serial Amnioreduction, where they take out the excess fluid in the recipient baby, and the other called Laser Therapy, where they use a laser to sever the connecting blood vessels. We chose to have the laser surgery becuase it gave our babies the best chance for surviving. Without doing anything both babies would not make it, but with the laser surgery, it gave our babies a fighting chance. The Doctor laid it out for us saying that on one end of the spectrum steph and our babies could die from complications in the surgery and on the other end all three could be fine, but that most likely it would be that steph would be fine and that we would lose one of our babies. There was a 90% chance of keep one baby alive and a 60% chance of saving both. His logic came from the fact that our babies needed to be seperated from each other and this would leave one baby with a smaller portion of the placenta. Steph went into surgery only 4 hours after leaving the specialist. Waiting for steph was probably the most agonizing part of this! We had been together through all of this up to that point and being seperated was really lonely and scary for both of us. She did make out successfully and were able to put her to bed by about 2 in the morning. That was a long day. The next morning everything seemed to be fine and the ultrasound found two babies improving and with strong hearts. We spent that day lounging and watching tv. We had lots of visitors and are so grateful for everyone that came!! Well at the end of the day our Doctor told us that he wanted us to stay for observation one more night just in case. So this morning we got up and checked out and went for a check up on the babies. The Nurse doing this ultrasound found our first baby with strong heart and an improvement in its amniotic fluid. But when she went to check our second baby she could not find a heart beat. That baby did not make it. This was the hardest part of the day. The nurse left to get our doctor and we cried for our lost baby. When our doctor showed up, he was very caring and was able to explain what happened. When he cut the babies connection it had left each baby with a portion of the placenta, and unfortunately it left this baby with a portion to small to sustain her. We have been in a daze from all of this. In a week and a half we had learned we were going to have twins, that our twins' lives were in danger, to losing one of them. We are devastated, but at the same time we have so much to be grateful for!!! First and foremost we are grateful that we have blessed with one survivor and that Steph is healthy and rapidly recovering!!! We are also so grateful for our doctor, who by a design not of our own, was flying into Salt Lake from Idaho just as we were meeting with the specialist. He had the knowledge and skills to save the baby we have!! We are so grateful to live less than an hour from one of the very very few hospitals that perform the Laser Therapy, and to have moved our into our new home literally days before this tragedy. We are gratefull for the love, support and company of our family and friends who have bolstered our moods and uplifted our spirits. We are gratefull for the strength that we have recieved from knowing the plan of salvation and that we will meet her one day!!! I know it sounds like the serious part is over, but becuase Steph is still having contractions a few times an hour and because she still has a cervical cerclage, our baby is still at risk. Please include us in your prayers! This sunday we intend to fast for our baby and if you want to please feel free to join us!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

We're having 2 baby.....

GIRLS!!!!! We are SO excited! I have already been shopping and to a couple of fabric stores with court and Jenni! We have some big plans in store for these little girls! We are in the process of thinking of another girl name! It was hard enough agreeing on one boy name and one girl name. Now we need another one! Good thing we still have at least 4 more months! Wish us luck!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Belly Pictures!

Here are some Belly pics! This is at exactly 19 weeks! I feel very LARGE! I'm half way there! So far things are going great! I'm pretty uncomfortable and I don't sleep very good! UGH! I guess I should just get used to that! Other than that, everything is going pretty good! My belly is growing everyday! Getting bigger and BIGGER! YIKES! Today a patient came in to work and she is due in November and out belly's were the same size! That made me feel HUGE! And i'm only going to get bigger! Oh well.
We find out the sex of the little babies on Friday! Babies! I am still getting used to the Plural part! I am so excited I can hardly stand it! We're going to Court and John's this weekend with Jenni and Michael and so we are going to have a little reveal party that night. I will post for the rest of you after that so stay tuned! I want to hear all of your guesses though! What do you think they are going to be?!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

2 and 2 makes 4

We had a surprise Dr's Appointment yesterday because I had some cramping that they were a little worried about so they had me come in just in case. Our visit was awesome! The nurse was so great, answering all our questions and spending lots of time with us. I asked her if it was normal for me to be SO HUGE at this stage of my pregnancy and she said that some people just carry different. Not to worry about anything. She wanted to check the heart beat so when she lifted up my shirt she was actually surprised at how big I was. She then wanted to start up the ultrasound machine just in case. (They don't usually do Ultrasounds on saturday) So I was excited that I got an early ultrasound (we were scheduled to have our first one on Friday to find out the gender of our baby) So I thought for sure she would be able to see what we were having. We didn't find out the gender but we did find out that we are having TWO BABIES!!!! TWINS!!!!! we couldn't stop smiling! We are so excited! jarom's reaction was priceless! he was so cute about it and so, so happy! He told me that he wanted to write it on the car windows to tell the world! He can't stop talking about how are life will be with our two new babies! It was so fun to see them moving around in there. Stretching their legs out and moving all around! No wonder I am rapidly gaining so much weight and getting so giant! We are so excited/scared/nervous/and even more excited!!! We will know more details after our ultrasound on Friday so I will post more then. plus some belly pics!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

A much needed Update

We're back! For now at least. We have been busy, busy, busy! These are just a few of the things we have been up to including my new hair cut and belly pics!

*BTW This is a pretty long post. Just sayin.

Went to Sundance and Bridalveil Falls for the day. I was sick and tired this day so sorry folks, no pictures of me. Just my handsome husband. It was such a nice day and I was tired of being inside so we took advantage of the warm (more like smokin HOT) weather. It totally wiped me out for the rest of the day but it was worth it. It was a much needed adventure with Jarom!

We went to California for Joanna and Cody's wedding. We had SO much FUN! It was way too short for sure! I love all the wedding festivities that go on and visiting fam and all. Joanna was a B-E-A-UTIFUL bride! It was a perfect day for a wedding!

*setting up for the Reception. Silly girls!

The next week Everyone came to Utah for the Open house/Reception In Ogden (Where Cody is from)We had BBQ's, ate lots of yummy food, played lots of fun games and hung out with some of the best people ever. Cool thing about being married to my sisters husbands cousin is that no matter what side of the family gets together, me and Court will always be there! Perry awesome! We were also able to go to Everett's Blessing! Oh.My.Gosh! He is such a handsome little man! Thanks to Matt and Laura for letting us crash at their house all weekend and making us feel so welcome and making us such delicious food all the time! I have been HORRIBLE at taking pictures so it doesn't show much of the fun we had or of the family but thanks court, for sharing some pics with me!
*Cute little cousins. Charlotte and Everett. About 2 weeks apart. Aren't they so Scrumptious!?
*This picture speaks for itself. Cutest little man in his Blessing outfit that Grandma made him.
*Nice socks babe errrr-lack thereof. Jarom forgot black socks. Nice!
*I just can't get enough of him. If ya can't tell. Isn't his little outfit the cutest? Court is so stinkin crafty! I can't wait for her to help me be crafty when our little one comes!

We were so lucky to go visit Lindsey in her cute new apartment and play games! It's always a treat to spend time with her! And spend some good quality time with Jenni and Michael too of course.
Nate has been spending a couple of nights at our apartment while he is here filming a new movie at the Motion Picture Studio. I got to go help with hair. I have wanted to do this for a long time so it was pretty exciting! So fun to be on the set and see everything that goes on there. I had a blast!

I finally got my haircut (again) yesterday. It's shorter than I have ever had it and I really like it! Such a fun little change! It's pretty short in the back.
We got to hear our baby's heart beat for the first time! What a magical moment! It made me cwy a wittle bit. It was so reassuring to know that there was actually something in there! We find out if it's a boy or girl on Oct. 1st. Can't wait!
This is at 15 1/2 weeks. I am feeling pretty fat these days. Starting to feel better and get my energy back though. My face just feels so fat. So why did I cut my hair so short?! I don't know. I still like it though. Jarom assures me almost everyday that I am still beautiful. We'll see how long that lasts. hee hee He has been so helpful! Getting me water and food all the time, doing all the chores, dealing with my silly mood swings, and being so nice to me. I don't think I could do this on my own, that's for sure! Don't mind the boxes and dirtiness in our apartment. We are moving this month so things are a little messy. We are SO excited to move though. Jenni and Michael will be our neighbors again! Yahoo!
Whew! I think that's about it. Thanks for hangin in there!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Best excuse I can think of...

I have been the WORST blogger EVER! We have done SO many fun things this summer and I have nothing to show for it (On the Blog at least). I have been horrible at taking pictures and telling the blogging world about our fun adventures. So let me appoligize! I am sorry for being such a bad blogger! My excuse? I'M PREGNANT!!!!!!!! We're expecting our first baby on February 23rd! We are So excited!!! I am 10 weeks along and so far feeling VERY tired and naseaus. The Doc says that will hopefully go away soon and I will be feeling good again in no time! Crossing our fingers! So, I come home from work everyday and pretty much crash! No energy to blog! Sorry! I'll be better I promise...maybe in a couple weeks! Anyway, that's our life right now and we couldn't be more happy!

Friday, June 25, 2010

A little late

I know this is a little late...ok really late BUT our computer died and then we got this new one and I haven't really figured out how to use it and put pictures on it and such. I have now figured it out and am starting to catch up! We went to Vegas with my family in May! It was SO fun! My dad had a trade show there and so we all met there for a little vacation! We spent most of our time by the pool! It was so nice and relaxing and the weather was perfect! We also had a little baby shower for Court. Emily and her cute little family came for that and for a little dip in the pool! It was so fun to see them! It was a perfect little break! My poor mom was SO sick most of the time. So other than that, everything was perfect! More to Blog about later! For now, Enjoy some pics.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Before and After

Well folks, I finally did it! I CUT MY HAIR!!! I have pretty much always had short hair growing up until a couple of years ago when I decided to try something different and grow it out to donate to Locks of Love. Well, once it grew out, I really liked it long so I kept it-for 4 years! I have had this plan to cut it for a long time but have just been putting it off for multiple reasons/excuses. Mostly, I was waiting til we could afford a really good Haircut and someone that I trusted to do it. Done, and Done soooo...I did it! The girl I wanted to do it was booked so I just had someone else do it from that Salon. I figured if she worked there, pretty  much everyone at that salon would be good. I LOVE it!!! And Jarom LOOOOOVES it!!! He can't stop looking at me and keeps telling me how beautiful and cute I am. I'm loving it! :) He says he likes the short hair better than the long. He also says that he would like it a little shorter! WHAT?! I was afraid he would not like it too short so I started out a little longer. Maybe next time I will be a little more creative. I was surprised at how LONG it was. I thought for sure we would just get by with cutting off the bare minimum to donate but we had room to spare. We cut off a good foot or MORE.  It's a really fun change and I'm glad I took the plunge! Anyway, now for the fun part! 

So- I didn't get any angles or anything but the back is shorter and has really cute layers. I didn't get very many good shots. 

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

One year already?

I have been so lucky to have spent the last year with the man of my dreams! Seriously! I could not have asked for anything better! We have had so much fun together! Through the ups and the downs! We have definitely learned a lot and are just having so much fun together and looking forward to our future! I could go on and on and ON about this mooshy gooshy lovey dovey stuff, but don't worry- I won't.

We chose to spend the weekend of out anniversary in Moab! It was a BLAST!! Everything about it was absolutely perfect! The weather was beautiful, the park was beautiful, our hotel was so nice, the little town of Moab is so cute and fun, yummy food and spending all weekend with Jarom! Just us, I got him all to myself for 2 whole days!!! We left early Saturday morning and went straight to the Arches National Park (It was free National Park week! How nice of them to honor our anniversary!) I could have spent all day there and MORE! There was so much to do and see and everything was SO cool! We hiked a little bit and saw lots of cool things until I got some nasty Blisters. UGH! My feet swell when I travel so my shoes were too small for my sausage feet. Not as bad as they were before, but very close.Nothing to ruin our trip though! So-we pretty much just went on a couple of easy walks and then headed to the Hotel to get ready to go to Dinner. We ate at a cute restaurant and then took a little walk around Moab. We went swimming and then walked across the street for some ice cream. Our Hotel was on Main street so that was super fun! Then next day we had planned on going back to the park to check everything else out but i couldn't even put my shoes on SO-we went on an easy little hike to a super cool arch and then called it good. We were pretty bummed! We didn't want to leave! There was so much more that we wanted to see. We will most definitely be going back! Soon! Needless to say, Our anniversary was perfect in every way! We took lots of pictures so I'll only put a few on here. If you wanna see the rest, check them out on Facebook! :)

I couldn't put my tennies on so I had to wear these little flats. Not a very good idea.