We have been working on a couple of projects lately. Trying to get as much done as we can before Jarom starts school (Today) and the craziness begins! He has been so awesome and supporting all the many projects I want done before the baby comes! LOTS of painting and cleaning and such! Here are some pictures of them! I still have lots of sewing to do for the nursery, so no pictures of that yet.
We got this dresser/hutch thing on KSL for $30. It was an ugly sun bleached, yellow-ish/cream color. YUCK! Jarom painted it and got new knobs and viola! I want to put baskets on the top shelf for more storage and cuteness.
I also made this little stuffed turtle a couple weeks/months ago. I can't remember. It's pretty cute and fun! Just a little color to spruce up the dresser. I like to call her Lola. At first, while I was making her, I couldn't help but keep calling her "turdy" and giggle every. single. time! My niece and nephew are very "creative" when naming their stuffed animals or toys and just put a "Y" at the end of everything. They had a toy turtle and name it "turdy" hahah Get's me every time! So this is Turdy...Err...Lola! :)
This beauty was a project that we had been wanting to work on ALL SUMMER but never got the chance to! We got this dresser on KSL in May or something. With the intentions of doing this to it someday and just got around to it last week! Just in time! I love it! I LOVE the antiqued look! I want to re-do our whole bedroom Someday! Not for a while I guess. But this is a pretty addition! Much better than what it was before! I have some idea's for some pretties to go on it. Just haven't done that yet.
And this is the Car seat cover I made for the Babe. It's reversible. I thought since I was making it, I might as well just make both sides CUTE so I can have 2 in 1 right? Right! I love it! Sorry for the not-so-pretty pictures. This is the best I could get. The pink Fabric has little white polka-dots on it.

SOOOOOooo cute! what is ksl? love everything!!! So excited for our babies to come!
I'm totally obsessed with all of your scores on KSL!!! Everything looks sooooo fabulous!! It's getting fweaking cute in there and it realllly makes me want that baby in my arms right now!! Great job with all your stuff it seriously looks amazing! love you!
Steph! you are so crafty!!! I love the fabric for the baby cover! And im obsessed with the mirror and dresser! I loved glazed things!!! That baby is going to have one cute nursery :)
It's all so exciting! You guys have done such a great job with the furniture, and your sewing is awesome! Okay, Turdy...I would be giggling a lot too : ) So funny. I wish I had made a car seat cover. Way to go!
Steph! What a little busy bee! I love it! You're so talented! When I have a wee babe, will you make me a cover, too?!?! Love ya girl!
You guys are so far ahead of us! I am so jealous! We are still waiting for a piece of our crib to show up...a little lame ha ha
Love the cover and awesome storage thing you got for the baby's room! You can NEVER have too much storage when it comes to babies and kids. They have SO. MUCH. STUFF. :D
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